All beings that science considers living are given Latin names. The names beings are known by in various languages and geographies are referred to as common names. They are multiple, nonstandard, sometimes confusing. They arise from the people, they are rich with folklore and magic, and they exist outside of totalizing colonial systems. We aim to do the same. As farmers we are connected to all those who have worked with the earth to provide for our fellow beings. The name we share embodies our wish to make farming and food accessible to all and to create a space where all feel welcome to participate.
our names are:
Noelle is a forager, farmer, activist, artist, model and mother. Not always in that order. When not playing with plants on the farm, she's usually playing with plants in the mountains.

Phil has been farming for about a dozen years. He's been many other things, professionally, none for very long.

Betzi grew up in Unincorporated Jefferson County. She lives in either a cabin or a bus, depending on when you're asking.

Leveret "Levy" "Lev" loves sparkly things and dinosaurs. She farms in heels.

Inez is a dedicated artist and writer, and talks to the wind.
Oyster is a valued and hardworking crew member, in charge of rodent patrol, squirrel control, bunny dismemberment and chicken companionship.

Sarah is an artist, educator, writer and mom.

Master mechanic and controlled environment production specialist Colter splits his time between the farm and the far north.

Cindy & Elle
Our two employees assist with many different jobs around the farm and enjoy the stellar benefits package the farm offers.

“Why have we kept our own names? Out of habit, purely out of habit. To make ourselves unrecognizable in turn ... Also because it’s nice to talk like everybody else, to say the sun rises … To reach, not the point where one no longer says I, but the point where it is no longer of any importance whether one says I. We are no longer ourselves … We have been aided, inspired, multiplied.”
Deleuze and Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus