Since we weren't able to get our onions in until mid-May (a month later than usual) this week we will feature onions from Quizbee Farm in Wheat Ridge. Chris (Quizbee) Krabbenhoeft is well-known for onions and melons, and has been a friend and colleague for nearly a decade now. We are part of a community of talented, passionate farmers here, and so many have helped us out on our journey to this farm. We will periodically feature produce from some of those growers who share our ideas, ideals, and growing practices. When we had to admit that our tiller was in need of more major repairs than we could accomplish and it had to go in the shop, Chris loaned us his, accepting only a cold bottle of white wine as payment. He is farming truly on a shoestring, and yet has been one of the most reliable people to go to if we need materials, equipment, or just to lean against a fence for a spell and commiserate after a hot week ... His produce can be found at Pearl Street Farmer's Market on Sundays.

Harvest List: Onions Greens mix Summer squash Cucumbers Basil Cilantro Radishes Hakurei turnips Honeycomb! Please note this list is dependent on weather and crop conditions, not guaranteed or comprehensive.
Wednesday people: they had to dig up the courtyard where we normally set up so we'll move to the front porch of that same building on the corner. We got our first beehive in early May. This was a pretty hectic time for us, and so we didn't get a chance to inspect the hive much beyond watching them happily entering and leaving the hive. In order to get the second story on their house it became necessary for us to remove a significant amount of comb from the hive this week. This comb was already completely drawn out with honey. Exploring the inside of their home allows us to understand their world much better. Not unlike opening the fridge or perusing the bookshelves of a new love interest for the first time. It felt awe-inspiring to lay eyes on a widely mottled range of honey that graced the comb: from deep ambers to pale yellow-greens, and everything in between. Honeybees are the epitome of seasonal eaters, and honey takes on colors and flavors of the pollen from whichever flowers the bees were visiting most in any given week. Viewing the immense range just within our hive was almost like looking at a painting of everything that has blossomed within a two mile radius since the very beginning of spring. This breed of Apis Mellifera honeybee is Italian in origin, best known for docility. Our girls are true to type; they stay pretty calm and have been quite gentle with us. It’s easiest to call them girls because honeybee colonies consist of about 95% females. If you spot a honeybee out and about, it is always a female, since male/drone bees only ever leave the hive once, to mate with the queen. Otherwise, they lounge about at home, eat and wait for sex. We haven’t been able to spot the queen (Elsa, as named by Inez) yet since we hived her, but she’s clearly laying eggs in there, since the colony has doubled in population at least. According to tradition, when we greet the bees daily we offer them news of the day and words of encouragement. We typically try to check the hive every few weeks or so, usually on sunny, warm Tuesday or Thursday mornings. If you are interested in bees, join us sometime! We have an extra veil, extra gloves, and a novice knowledge base, but we are happy to learn more alongside you. And feel free to say hello to the hive when you come at pick up on Mondays, and offer them the news and words of encouragement. We are going to slice up sections of the comb we sliced out for everyone to try. It’s unlike any other honey that either of us have tasted before. We’ve spent a fair bit of time puzzling and reading about which local plants could possibly account for their honey to take on such a unique flavor. What is blossoming the most right now near us? Does the flavor come from something they’re currently eating, or something they were guzzling down in May or June? We’ll never know, but it’s awfully fun to wonder. Cookie share starts next week! Click below or let us know to get the treats.
Recipe: PESTO Bright green, fresh, and so simple. Pesto can be made with pretty much any herb or green: try cilantro, or try arugula if you still have some left. You can also use most any nut, you don't have to shell out the big bucks for pine nuts if you have walnuts or almonds around. INGREDIENTS 2 c fresh basil 2 T pine nuts 2 large cloves garlic 1/2 c olive oil 1/2 c grated parmesan cheese PREPARATION Chop basil, nuts and cheese in a food processor until finely minced. With the machine running slowly drizzle in the oil until the mixture is smooth. Add the cheese and process just long enough to combine. Store in the fridge or freeze.