Thanks everyone for signing up to become a shareholder, signing up for the mailing list, and coming to visit us as we get ready for the first week of CSA distribution! Monday pickup will be from 3-6pm at Phil's house / farm HQ, 175 S. Hoyt St. in Lakewood. Wednesday's pickup will be from 3-6 at the Warren Village garden, 1300 N. Gilpin St. Look for a chalkboard sign directing you since it is tucked away a bit. If you won't make it within this window, just call Phil (303-961-7339) or Noelle (303-931-9084). We want to make sure everyone gets their produce! Please bring bags or boxes or whatever works for you to carry your produce home. Our produce has been washed when you pick it up, but please wash again before preparing. If you aren't able to pick up your share feel free to have a friend pick it up for you. Don;t worry if you forget though, leftover shares will be donated.
Harvest List: Snap peas Arugula Baby Hakurei turnips Green garlic or garlic scapes Lettuce Flowers Mizuna Please note this list is dependent on weather and crop conditions, not guaranteed or comprehensive.

The peas, garlic and this week's flowers were grown at Phil's house. Here is Leveret, his daughter seeding them in early April. At that time we had no land yet so we planted early crops with the hope that we would find land this season. As with most seasons, shares will start off slow and build as summer crops come on. Since we are getting a late start, they ought to be here quickly!
Recipe: Each week we'll include a recipe, so please let us know if you made a dish that you'd like to share. Since the star of this week is the sugar snap peas, the recipe is simple: eat em. There was a time that the snap pea was lost. The current snap pea is a cross between a shelling pea and a snow pea, developed in the 1950s. We know from descriptions there was a snap pea in Europe as late as the 19th century. In France they were known as "mange-tout" or "eat-alls." Cultivated peas have been with us since the dawn of agriculture, as shelling peas or dried like lentils. Even now the genetics of the snap pea remain pretty unstable. Maybe every tenth plant produces a flat, snow pea-like relative. Fitting that the pea founded the science of genetics alongside the Austrian monk Gregor Mendel. These are the kinds of things you ponder picking a hundred feet of peas ... If you haven't signed up for a share yet but would like to, you can click below, or contact us to get started. And help us spread the word! We do still have shares available.